Ethical Trading Initiative Select Produce

Select Produce is committed to the Ethical Trading Initiative and its base code which influences businesses to act responsibly and ethically towards its employees. We are a part of a group of forward-thinking companies who have adopted this base code of labour standards. As a part of the code our employees have the right to

  • No discrimination We believe that all minorities deserve fair and equal treatment and access to the same training and opportunity.

  • Employment is freely chosen Slavery and bonded labour are totally not acceptable!

  • Child labour shall not be used Children deserve an education, working can damage development and health.

  • Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are respected Our employees have the right to be represented and their input is valued to improve working conditions.

  • Living wages are paid Select Produce provides fair wages to the applicable government award.

  • Regular employment is provided Select Produce offers regular employment where our employees feel safe within their jobs without having to feel insecurity

  • Working conditions are safe and hygienic Working conditions are hygienic, and safe. Procedures are in place to avoid incidents.

  • Working hours are not excessive Select Produce believes that our workers need adequate rest and working long excessive hours is not healthy to them or the business.

  • No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed Select Produce believes in the protection of its employees. Physical, verbal, or sexual abuse will not be tolerated by any person in the workplace.

We are a diverse working company and believe everyone has the right to feel safe at work. By implementing the framework given by the ETI code, we have developed an inclusive and respectful working environment that has empowered our employees.