We Live By Our Values!

  1. Teamwork - We lead ourselves, value every member of our team, share ideas and solve problems collaboratively.

  2. Passion - We are passionate and dedicated to supplying high-quality fresh produce.

  3. Ethical- We have the highest ethical standards, value honesty, responsibility and accountability.
    ”We can be relied upon by all of our Stakeholders”

  4. Respect- We listen to people with courtesy, politeness, kindness and treat people fair and equal.

  5. Persistence- We have the courage to try again and continuously improve.

  6. Excellence- We are committed to creating better ways of doing things and do not accept inferior standards.

  7. Community- We are a responsible neighbour, and value and support our community via employment, sponsorship and support.

Living Our Values Ensures:

Health and Safety - Our people are our best asset. Health and Safety is non-negotiable.

Quality - We are proud of the way our Suppliers farm, drawing the best soil types, seasonal conditions and industry best practice. Consistently producing the best quality snow peas and sugar snap peas in the country.

Traceability and Transparency- Our Suppliers pick and pack the peas crisp and fresh. Every product that leaves the paddocks are tracked electrically through the supply chain.

Sustainability - Sustainable farming practices conserves moisture, soil health and biodiversity. It’s not only the right thing to do, but good business.

Innovation - We are constantly striving to do things better, every day. This means investing in R&D, better practices and systems. This ensures consistent productivity and the best quality produce.